
We have reserved 21 rooms in Wolf Village Apartments on the NC State University campus (don’t confuse it with Wolf Ridge Apartments.)

Wolf Village Apartments

When you first arrive, you can check in by going to Gray Hall in Wolf Village.  The front doors should be open at all times with someone at the front desk.  The 24-hour emergency contact phone number is (919) 513-9653.


If you have trouble finding which building is Gray Hall, first go to the wooden statue of the pack of wolves.  If you are standing in front of the statue with the wolves facing towards you as shown below, then Gray Hall is on your right.


 For questions about checking-in, checking-out, and other matters relating to Wolf Village you can contact our on-site contact Kiera White, available by email at
confsvcs-apts@ncsu.edu or by phone at 919.632.5287.