The TALENT summer school is almost here. The summer school will start at 9:00 AM on Monday, July 11, in Riddick 314 with some announcements and orientation. We have updated some information regarding Arrival/Departure, Campus Facilities, Financial Support, Housing, Internet/Computing, Lectures, Reimbursement, and Schedule on the webpage.
Category Archives: NCSU
Updates on transportation, housing, schedule, and local things to do
Some additional information about transportation, housing, schedule, and local things to do have been uploaded to this webpage. There will be further updates in the next few days.
First Announcement
The 2016 Talent school on nuclear Quantum Monte Carlo methods will be held at
North Carolina State University (NCSU) from Monday July 11 through Friday July 29, 2016. Please pass on this announcement to interested students and young researchers. As in other similar schools, the number of attendees will be limited to around 25 participants who will be selected from the pool of applicants. The school is intended for graduate students, but senior undergraduates and junior postdoctoral researchers will also be considered.
This will be the tenth in the series of annual summer schools devoted to the exciting developments in the theoretical study of nuclear systems. The school is jointly organized by LANL and NCSU. Development of numerical tools based on Monte Carlo integrations in combination with the growth of computational facilities opened the way to accurately investigate properties of nuclear systems, including finite nuclei and homogeneous matter. The school is intended to introduce students and young researchers to the various facets of Quantum Monte Carlo methods based on stochastic integration, that are used to solve the ground- and low-lying excited states of nuclei and matter. Those methods are essentially based on projection in imaginary time, and are formulated either in coordinate space and/or on lattice. The main methods that will be covered during the school are the Green’s Function Monte Carlo (GFMC), the Auxiliary Field Diffusion Monte Carlo (AFDMC), and Lattice Auxiliary Field methods. The extension of the latter to study finite temperature systems will also be discussed. The main applications of these methods will be deeply discussed during the school, including the calculation of properties of nuclei (energies, radii, distributions, transitions) and the equation of state of neutron matter.
The main lecturers will include Joe Carlson, Joaquin Drut, Stefano Gandolfi, and Dean Lee, and other speakers will present talks related to the subject of the school. The format of the school is unique: in the mornings, students will receive lectures on Quantum Monte Carlo methods applied in nuclear physics. In the afternoons, there will be hands-on activities, where students will be deeply involved in developing and/or extending Monte Carlo codes to solve some simple system using realistic nuclear Hamiltonians.
The application deadline is April 15, 2016 (updated). Apply here:
Applications should include a one-page description (Cover Letter) of motivation for taking the course and a statement if local support is needed; a brief description of academic and scientific achievements to date (Research Statement); a curriculum vitae (CV); and one letter of recommendation submitted by the academic supervisor, all uploaded to the site. Please contact Stefano Gandolfi ( if you have problems submitting your application.